Senin, 23 April 2012


Being single, doesn’t mean that I'm alone. It means, I'm waiting for someone while laughing with others

Just because I forgive you, it doesn't mean that I want you back. I'm forgiving, letting go and moving on to something better
There are some people that can never stop loving someone, no matter how hard they try
Its hurt when I get a fake smile from someone I love
Sometimes it's better to be alone, no one can hurt me that way
Love is patient, love is kind, love means slowly losing my mind
Family, best friends, and lover: "Things that come for free are the most expensive in life."
True friends may not be able to make me laugh everytime, but they will always be my friends, no matter what
Life Would Be Better if I could ► Play the moments ▌▌ Pause the memories ■ Stop the pain ◄◄ Rewind the happiness
Music is the best; it always takes you right back to a certain time
I'm crazy. I'm funny. I'm cute. I'm brave. I'm girly. I'm sweet. I'm cheerful. I'm annoying. I'm just me and I like it like that :)